Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A New Friend

We have been attending Eastview Christian Church and really like it. It is a mega-church compared to what we are used to, but the excitement and energy radiating from the people are motivating.

I met a lady at a membership-type class at the church, who also works at Country, and she has now invited me to a women's Bible study with an exercise class. It's on Tuesday evenings, and I'm not going tonight... but I did put it on my calendar for next week. They are studying Balance that Works when Life Doesn't by Susie Larson. I've added Susie's blog to my list and am excited to get started with the exercise group/Bible study.

1 comment:

momaof4 said...

CSCC just started a class. But not a Bible Study added on. Though that is something to think about for the future.

It's been great 20 women!

I think finding a church is one of the hardest things to do. So glad you have found one and are liking it!!!!